Saturday, April 14, 2012

Layout is just wrong

I'm not sure what is going on with the layout of this blog.  I'm not sure if you are viewing it any differently than it appeared before but I am.  My posts should all be to the left under the header and all my gadgets, archives, pictures and such should all be to the right of the post.  I've had it that way for a long time.  But not now.  I didn't do anything to change it but now when I view my blog all my widgets and gadgets and pic's are underneath all the posts.  That's not where they are supposed to be!  They are supposed to be to the right not underneath or at the bottom.
I tried to go into the dashboard and template and see if something had changed.  Nothing had changed.  Now what?
I went in and tried to go back to the default template.  I tried to narrow it down to what it could possibly be to have changed it so I could change it back.  I went into blogger help to search what was up and the only thing I could find was that I might possibly need to adjust the margins.  So I did.  I tried.  But somehow I can't seem to get the layout back in proper order with posts to the left and all the rest to the right.  It just won't happen.
Now I've got some funky colors going on and font is different (that's no big deal) but I lost my snippet that says so much~...the one that says...
This is my tool. * It became a discipline for my writing.
I never know where my thoughts will take me. My ideas come from my everyday, good or bad, but always unexpected.
That shouldn't be at the bottom of the page after scrolling past old posts!  It needs to be up at the top right hand corner...where it lives.  It wasn't planning a move...who evicted it?!
I'll do more research to see about getting things back to normal.  It isn't right and I can't leave it this way.  It's been driving me a little more batty than usual (hush, now).
Besides...that snippet says it all.  Doesn't it?


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