Sunday, April 1, 2012

New month

Hello April!
It would be classic for me to turn this into one of my bits of fiction today.  It would be classic because for the past two years I have taken this day as an opportunity to write up a piece of imagination as if it were true and post it here.  Then at the end I would, it isn't true, that didn't really happen, I just made it all up because it's April Fools Day.  Well, I decided I wouldn't do that this time.  I'm going to keep it nice and normal and real.
I have to say I am still feeling really good about hitting my goal of 75 miles logged in March.  At the beginning of the month I was struggling desperately with my motivation.  I just couldn't break through the cloudy mist holding be back.  It was all myself, of course, but that doesn't make it any easier.  Then when I hit my first goal of 50 miles somewhere along March 24th I knew I had a full week to get another 25 miles in to make the 75.  I can't say what propelled me forward, to drive myself, to give it a shot, but whatever it was I did it.  And it feels great.  And I look at my numbers and feel great.  And that is all true.
But here it is April.  A new month.  A new start of the week and what am I doing?  I've already missed the best part of my running day.  I've already sat here all morning being lazy and unmotivated and what do they say?  resting on my laurels of my running past?  only being as good as my last batch of numbers?  acting as if I'm some kind of running diva that has done it all?  No run today.  Not a single mile, not a single step, never went outside the house.  Okay, okay.  So I've been having coffee and wasting time!  So I've been sitting and thinking about last month!  So I've missed the morning!  It's only April 1st!  It's April 1st.
April Fools...
Let me recount, retract, that last paragraph.  Nope.  Starting with "But here it is April" and until "April Fools..."  all of that is untrue.  A lie.  A fib.  A joke.
Yes - here is the truth about today - this morning.  I went out already and had a run.  I didn't stay inside and miss the morning being lazy and unmotivated.  Nope.  Are you kidding?  It's a new month, it's April 1st.  I went out and logged a few miles to start out the new month.  I went out and ran 10 miles.  I don't know.  Not a bad start to a new month!
Hello April (running) Fool!
Here are the April Fool post links from years past...
April 1, 2010
April 1, 2011


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