We have finally reached that very last day of the year. It's the time for reflection of the past and hopes for the future. The day when all those firm resolutions to do better, become stronger, and accomplish more are written down. It's the time we mull over all the possibilities and put our hopes into plans. I know about this because I've done it year after year.
It can work. Giving some thought to the things you want to do is a very good step in getting them done. Planning the ways you think you can achieve them brings you even closer. Of course, you then need to do those things. I've done many.
This year I found I didn't need to wait for the first day on the new calendar to do all this. I broke though the traditional conventions of starting my resolutions and plans by waiting for the very first day of the year or the very first day of the week or whatever mind trip I thought I needed to get started. I got going somewhere (I don't even know the exact day/time) in mid-December. I hadn't even plotted out, written down, or organized what I thought needed doing. Somehow, this year, I already knew. I skipped the first steps and went right to getting started without looking to the calendar to see when I would begin. I just got started. It clicked into place and instead of rubbing my temples and scowling at my list of things to do, trying to figure out how I would be able to do it, I started doing things. All my normal fretting, analyzing, and figuring went by the wayside. I lifted a one shoulder shrug at my doubts that would have normally plagued my plans. And then I grinned at my own audacity and thought how that particular attitude had always been there in me, but I have managed to suppress it so well in the past. And how it's held me back - but not this time, so I smiled to myself.
What a better way to go into the new year. It widens my scope of what I can do because I am not counting off things I didn't get done but already moved on to the new possibilities. Maybe, that is something that comes with age? I mean, I did turn a year older today. Because today, besides all the resolutions, plans, and New Years Celebrations, you see, it is also my birthday.
I have a feeling it's going to be a great year.
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