Saturday, March 2, 2013


It's time to make the donuts.  Or in this case - the cookies.  I have a huge order to fill and I plan on spending as much time as possible slapping out dozen after dozen of circular morsels.  I'm all prepped and ready to go but wanted this one chance to sit a moment and sip my coffee before I start grinding it all out. 
I got the smallest jump start yesterday afternoon when I got home from work.  I managed to get 26 dozen baked, cooled and stored.  The kitchen has been cleaned up and ready to start the new batches now.  I still have a long way to go but I beat the sun this morning and I'll wave distractedly to it when it decides to yawn and stretch on it's way up.  Heck.  By that time I might need to pour us both another cup of coffee and sit a moment before going back to work.  I'd offer it a cookie but I'm counting those very meticulously for the moment.  Ninety dozen still seems a long way off but now it's about time to get going.  It's time...

Progress Report10:11am - 51 dozen baked.  I might finish early and still have some Saturday left over!!!

Progress Report:  5:37pm - 90 dozen cookies baked.  But also, packaged and labeled, ready for delivery.  I am completely done! 


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