Friday, April 6, 2012

What else

What an exhausting week!  Or it sure seemed that way when I was in the middle of it all.  Tuesday was from Hades, or the fiery pit, or let's just say it, it was a day from Hell.  It's burning talons continued to smoulder and reach into the rest of the week.  It did.  I have the burn marks to prove it.  Oh, wait.  Maybe they've faded already. 
I have so much to catch up on now.  Here.  At home.  But there is a big difference.  I get to do it here.  On my own, at my own pace.  My pace at the moment is just getting up (what two hours later than normal-almost three)?  I have coffee, fresh brewed, black and hot.  I'm looking out of my upstairs window and seeing myself starting out my run.  No hurrying to get to work, no working on the project that deadlines keep jumping in my face, no, no, none of that.  I'm putting that aside. 
It's time for free time.  Sure, there are things I need to do but no requirements, no expectations, no pressure.  This is time for head clearing and coffee drinking and a turn around the neighborhood.  And that is just the first part of the morning. 
Then, who knows what else might be in store?


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