Monday, April 2, 2012

In a month

Here I am finding myself in April.  The entire first quarter of this year is now in the past.  I am feeling quite good, if I'm allowed to say that.  I took hold of myself at the end of February and decided to make some changes that have now seemed to have taken hold in many positive ways.  Before then I was stuck in routines and had fallen into some habits that didn't play well with me even though I continued to do them.  I had gained a few extra pounds, I wasn't following any type of exercise routine, I wasn't doing any really productive or creative things.  I was allowing myself to get away with being placid and somewhat lazy because it was easier to whine about not doing this or that instead of taking the action and doing the this or that that needed to be done. 
A lot has happened in that one months time from then to now.  I made up my mind.  That was step one.  Just deciding to fix myself and flip that switch was step one.  After months of following a bad routine it wants to stick so changing it isn't always so easy.  I knew it was going to be tough so I searched ways (yes - my tools) to help.  I found those tools and used them the best way I could to my advantage.  That was step two.  So I was at the point of making up my mind and then finding tools to help.  Step three was doing it.  You would think that would be step one but it isn't always.  I've skipped the first two steps many times and it doesn't work.  I have to flip that switch to make up my mind first.  I knew I was in a place where I needed extra motivation to do it and that is where the tools came in.  Then the only thing left was to start doing what I wanted to do.
Since February 29th when I started I dropped 7 pounds.  I also ran many miles and I am working toward what I was really going for which is running more consistently each week.  I've done a bunch in a month.  I took hold and I am feeling quite good.
I think I'm allowed to say that.  What's to come in another month?


Anonymous said...

Awesome good work! Very positive.

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