This blog is an odd sort of things. It chronicles the rants and ravings, food and cravings, everyday days and holidays, too. It goes off into corners and then veers back into focus. I mean it's all over the place, but what happens when something really happens?
We lost our dog yesterday. She is a mixed, black lab that is only half the size of a regular lab. Dante brought her home one day when he was still in high school (he will be 30 in May). He found her abandoned at a house down the street with her brother. His friend took the brother home and we got Tobi. She was about six months old at the time according to the vet. She was shy. She quaked sometimes for no reason but she learned really fast and she could jump really high in the air to catch a ball. Dante taught her to high five. She got pretty old. She was white under her chin and was going a little blind but she still rolled around in the grass and fetched balls for Jay.
She got out yesterday and must have been spooked. She never ventured very far before, and always came back home and would wait on the porch to be let back in. Yesterday, we had a man power-washing the house. His equipment was noisy and wet. She may have wandered too far. She might have lost her way. She didn't come back.
We searched all over. We asked the neighbors, we called the vet. We waited and then looked again. We didn't find her and she didn't come home. I finally called Dante and let him know we didn't know what happened. He wanted to come search again. Even as night came on and we knew she wasn't around, we would open the door and call her. This morning after waking up I opened all the doors hoping she would be waiting on the other side. She wasn't. She's just gone.
I guess you could say she hung around here long enough to pull off a really good magic trick. She disappeared. I only wish she had learned the second half of the trick and somehow been able to make herself re-appeared. We keep waiting for that to happen.
So then the story didn't end...
I got a call from the vet. A lady left a flyer for a dog that looks like Tobi, so I drove to the vet's office and called the lady. The description seemed to fit and she gave me directions to her house and was waiting outside when I pulled up. It was our dog. Tobi was fine, dandy, and jumped into my car when I opened the door. Many thanks and appreciations were given and it all worked out well and good. Maybe she has been around long enough to actually pull off that trick, but it needs a little work. I mean, she didn't exactly re-appear in the same spot she disappeared. But then, what's a good magic trick without a little suspense? What do you expect from an old dog? New tricks?
Tobi is back.
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