Sunday, March 8, 2015

More light

I made it to the gym early yesterday morning, then did some grocery shopping. Laundry was started and finished, the kitchen was cleaned and I swept and mopped the downstairs. It sounds like a lot but I really lazed through the day. I never got around to any gardening. The weather is at that almost stage of being not good enough to be good, instead of being good enough to be great. How's that for an accurate description!

It's rainy again today and we have that losing an hour thingy going on where my world turns slightly at a tilt. What time is it? What time? That will go on all day, I'm sure, maybe even a few days. It should smooth itself out in a week and then we will have the full benefit of that light at the end of the day. That makes me think of light at the end of a tunnel, but I'm so visual and there goes my thoughts leading me astray, again. I guess that means, there is some positive coming up if we keep running toward it. Keep running!


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