Sunday, March 1, 2015

Moving into March

I read something about March coming in like a lion. Here we are, the first of March 2015, and how are we feeling about it? Is this month going to move in like a lion and what exactly does that mean?

I thought about being logical and break down what is perceived when you think about lions. Lions are the kings. They are majestic, proud, and aggressive. We think of them as being calm and regal, loyal and protective, and let's not forget, dangerous.

So is March a lion? Is it going to be the time to be a little more aggressive to the point of feeling dangerous with the things we are wanting to do. Do we take those steps across our own imaginary line where we don't think we can step beyond and do the brave things. Do we add a little more regal calm and confidence to what we are setting out to do. Do we act more like a lion to stop holding ourselves back from moving forward.

Is March the month of the lions? And then I think of Mr. L. The biggest, bravest, lion of them all. A lesson can be learned from three year old's and how they tackle life's obstacles in their world. They are sometimes calm, loyal, proud and aggressive; never fearing to take the chance to touch this or do that, learning more from their failures than if they sat still and did nothing all day long.

So is March coming in like a lion? I certainly hope so.


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