Well, well, well. Our television and internet are out. Wednesday afternoon I went to use my laptop and I had no connection. I traipsed downstairs to reboot the modem and watched the blinking lights start their hypnotic, flashing patterns. The lights were blinking but the connection never made it to my laptop or Jay's PC. I turned my attention to the TVs. Sure enough, no channels were available. None. I tried rebooting the cable boxes. Again, I found myself hypnotized by the progression of characters displayed until it got to a recycling circle of APP and R iT. I resigned myself to the fact that nothing was working and dialed service. This would be the second time in two months.
Oh, an outage in my neighborhood. A technician will be dispatched and all should be well before the night is over. The night ended. Morning crept in. I woke and started rebooting everything and the entire nightmare began again. The same impotent, blinking lights, the same circle of APP and R iT flashed away as I aggressively dialed the phone. They verified my service was out. (Gee, I told you that) They verified others in my neighborhood had been restored. (Why everyone else and not me?) They said they would need to send a technician to the house. (Yeah? When?) MONDAY. "What?", I said, "That's a long time without TV and internet! It's only Thursday morning!" The guy on the other end said the list of cancelled appointments would be out in an hour and he would call me back with a revised time. He actually called me back and said the best he could do was Sunday between 6pm and 7pm but he would call again and do the same the next morning. It's the next morning. He hasn't called back. I figured he wouldn't call if he didn't have any better news or...why call at all? If this is the way they handle service, he is probably dodging bullets all day long. Why put yourself in the line of fire? You know I was going to blast away if I got them on the line again.
I will be out of the house most of the day Saturday, so it won't be a problem. Sunday goes by quickly and they should have it fixed Sunday evening. I did drive into the parking lot of the closest Starbucks and pirate their wi-fi to download two books to my eReader. (Yeah, didn't even go inside). I'll survive, but what an inconvenience, again. This is the second time in two months. Last month the city ran over my cable line when they were mowing in the area in back of my house. (Why was the wire exposed for them to do that?) It took two or three days for that to be replaced. I think I need to get a reduced rate since this seems to be monthly occurrence. I don't think they will go for it and I don't really want that. I want better service!
Well. Well....well. Right now, I just want service.
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