I'm on vacation all week. That would be a good thing. I don't have to venture outdoors in this freezing weather. I don't have to watch a clock to be here or there at any specific time. I believe this morning is Monday but it can get very confusing with all the holidays thrown around this month. And then there is the fact there are only a few days left to this year. I'm not sure that has any bearing on anything significant. Or does it?
Just about everywhere you look, there are warning signs about the coming year. It's almost as if there isn't any other time you should be thinking about your next best thing to do. Have you noticed how many more commercials there are about weight loss and exercise equipment? I know the gym will be packed and I'll have a hard time getting a machine to use come January. I'm having no trouble now but then this year isn't over yet. I think Boodini is on my side when he couldn't come up with an inspiring keyword for the upcoming year and sensibly asked why there was a need for one. I would think that word would change constantly or else, maybe, you aren't trying very hard, or not really interested in what that word might mean.
So change it. It's not about a word, but words, right? Moving them around, changing them up, and always, always thinking up more. Who wants one word? Who needs to wait for a New Year to start something that is important. If something is worth the effort, why does it need to wait for a New Years resolution that only comes once a year? Why isn't it going on now? What is everyone waiting for? And after you get started, if you find it isn't the right thing, change it up. You don't wait a whole year (I would hope not). You never get anywhere or create any momentum if you aren't doing, in motion. Motivation doesn't happen while you're sitting around thinking. It's all in the doing. No matter how good or badly something is done, you can only find the next inspiration by doing it. And that doesn't mean waiting for the New Year or a Monday or the beginning of the next whatever that might be.
Enough of the soapbox. I'm on vacation and I will make the best of it all week long. Does the week happen to start a New Year? Yes. Is it significant? Sure. But you won't catch me waiting for any specific day to get doing what needs to get done.
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