When I woke up yesterday morning, I was feeling that,"oh no, I'm running out of time" feeling. It was mostly due to the fact I knew I was needing to get out there and shop among the masses - on the last Saturday before Christmas. I was building up anxiety over the imminent situation of wandering for this and that, not finding what I want, and getting stuck in traffic for hours. I was letting the feeling get out of hand.
I went to the gym. A short, easy run and my head started to clear. I had an idea of where I wanted to go and what I wanted to get. I marched forward and headed out to the spot that opened the earliest. I found this, I found that. This is perfect, ring it up. I got a phone call from Jay..."Where are you, and how is it going?"
"I have one other shopping area to visit and I hope to have it finished by noon." It was 10:30.
It got done. I was home by 12:40. The traffic I imagined being in the middle of, was all traveling in the other direction as I headed home with a clear shot. I tried to stir up the holiday blues but managed to knock them out before they could fester. They only survived as far as my run and after that I was off and running(he-he). Let's get to wrapping!
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