It's the middle of the week, third day of the month. Day three and if I had to report about my subtle change idea and how it's working out, I could say yesterday was different. It wasn't really something I can say I did to change it but I had to let the pest control man in after work. That would be considered very different if we hadn't had him here about 2 months ago. We asked him back yesterday because there were telltale signs of a possible small invasion (if you call seeing one dead roach on the floor and one small alive one in the sink an invasion). In any case, small or not, we don't want anything to do with the critters, so we had the bug guy come back and do some more eliminations. That changed things slightly for me yesterday afternoon. No real work on my part unless you count taking everything out from under the bathroom and kitchen sinks. Then I put them all back this morning.
Now that I'm thinking about it, that does count. That was definitely a change from any normal, regular, routine. I had to talk to the guy, let him in, wait around for him to spray and squirt. I unloaded, cleaned, reloaded, the stuff under the sinks and didn't see a single critter, dead or alive, anywhere this morning. It took up much of my afternoon (and part of this morning) in a different way.
I am counting this as a subtle change. God bless bug guys.
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