Where am I? What day is it?
All of a sudden I feel like there is a tidal wave behind me and I better get moving! There are only a few things left to do before the big day but time is a tickin'. I need to get these details completed while still making it to work. It's a matter of having only so much time to prioritize with all the things left to do and how that all works out. It's that wall of water behind me.
There really are only a few details left to take care of, but I can't forget the details. There are a few more things to grab from the grocery store, some gift wrapping to do, and then cleaning up the house. I will need to go through and give it a good wipe down but that will wait until tomorrow. I only work a half day and that afternoon would be the best use of that time. That means finalizing the menu today (already got the families input) so I can grab the grocery items today. I can fit in the gift wrapping this evening without a problem. Then with that all done, I can sit back and ride that giant wave to shore.
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