Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Trying to focus

I slept too late to go to the gym this morning.  I am having an extra cup of coffee instead.  I'm using this time as quickly as I can here before I open my fiction document and take up again where I left off last night.  It's proving that small bursts of writing when I have only a few minutes is adding up to shorter writing sessions but the word count is adding up just the same.
I feel like I've been spending too much time checking on the story site where I added a few short pieces of mine.  It's almost a nervous habit and I need to leave it alone for a while.  I put the stories out there and now I need to let whatever happen.  I'm not sure what the whatever is anyway.
I do know most of my thoughts circle back to finishing my story.  It's a little hard to focus since my mind now wants to jump from that to my older story that I need to finish and new short ideas that I want to write up into longer pieces.  The only place that has suffered any inspiration is here.  And yet I've filled another spot this morning with this discipline they say you need to do.  Don't wait to write when you are inspired.  Write anyway.  It's part of that courage thing.


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