Saturday, August 4, 2012

Apples and oranges

Just for the record...from the list I created yesterday I was able to get six of the nine items completed.  I could still get a couple more done but I also made a chicken stock that I still need to strain and prepare.  Not everything goes on the list that gets done.  That's how it works out sometimes.

I spent some time on my nikeplus site gathering info.  It's nice that I have used the site for so long and I have some deep stats that I can amaze myself with.  I started tracking my runs on that site in March of 2010.  I went back to see how it all stacked up.
2010 - March - Dec  648.96 miles
2011 - Jan - Dec       593.45 miles
2012 - Jan - Aug       595.51 miles
I've already beaten my 2011 mileage this year.  I am only 53.45 miles away from matching my 2010 mileage.  I ran 648 miles in 10 months in 2010 and I will have that many (or more) in eight months this year with months to spare for even more miles.  If that isn't motivation enough to keep me moving then I don't know what else I could do.  I don't really want to have to think of anything else, anyway.

I went to to check on the two short fiction pieces I put out last week.  I am at a odd spot when it comes to that.  I do have more downloads than Jane Eyre (28) and Anna Karenina (39) that have been posted about the same amount of time as mine.  That is a positive but I know downloads are going to stop and slow down completely.  I do have to wonder why out of 18 recently posted stories (in the last 30 days) that 10 of them are classics that the site is putting up. Maybe not enough active authors?  It seems when I flipped through the author listings most haven't posted since 2010 or 2011.  Only a few have posted this year and those were mostly back in January and February.  Not a big showing and I also wonder how many more downloads I might get since most authors seem to be male and story genre's are mostly sci-fi, fantasy, military, western.  I can't see them very much interested in my short vignettes. Look how badly Jane Eyre and Anna Karenina are doing when compared to a sci-fi story posted 7/23 with 614 downloads and already 30 votes and another sci-fi posted 7/13 with 991 downloads and 44 votes?  At this rate I'll never get any votes if you need that many downloads to average so few votes and you don't get a score unless you have votes.

Okay, enough of this.  Stats are great when they are clear cut like I ran so many miles in this amount of time.  If I try to compare downloads and votes, or lack of, it is just another way of turning something that is positive (people have actually downloaded my stories to read!) into something that I am thinking is negative.  That isn't what posting on this site was supposed to be about.  Besides, it's only been a week there...not quite the same timespan of March 2010 through the present that I have on my running site.

But, yes, leave it to me to figure out how something good I've done really isn't. 
I've got to be hot and cold
I've got to be taught and told
Got to be good as gold
                                                                  lyrics from Miniature Disasters
                                        KT Tunstall


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