Friday, August 10, 2012

Keep it to myself

I am getting into a very stubborn and rebellious spirit.  I can tell.  I can feel myself digging in my heels, crossing my arms, and just shaking my head a vigorous no!  It might be the month of August.  It might be things are going too well.  I could come up with many different reasons of what it could be about.  Maybe it's just in my nature to get stubborn when I need time to sort my thoughts.  I told you I could come up with a million different reasons.
This time it actually started back at the end of February this year. I was feeling less than motivated about my running.  The wellness program at work offered a coaching service that was done through email.  I thought it would be a good idea to give it a try.  Maybe the coach could give me some ideas, point me in the right direction and help with my motivation and running.  What could it hurt?  Everyone says I am too solo - that I should talk it out and have a support group and friends and such to talk things through.  It's supposed to help and make me feel better instead of internalizing and figuring it all out for myself.  So I signed up.
Now I've never been to a psychologist or psychiatrist but back in February when I signed up for this coaching I started to realize it was going how I imagined one of those sessions might go.  After a few back and forth emails I was having visions of going into that doctors office with some problem and instead of them helping and suggesting ways to fix it they would turn things back to me and ask, "well, what do you think?  what do you want to do?"  Huh?  What?  Why would I come to an expert if I already knew what to do?  If I am going to figure this out on my own, what do I need you for?
So, yes, this coach pretty much asked me what I wanted to do about my running.  What goal did I want to achieve and how would I get there?  So I figured out my goals for March and April and May.  Then I figured them out again for June and July!  At that point I figured I was done.  I achieved every single goal and got a check mark for every action item this coach had put into the system.  All the ones I came up with!  So, okay, good job!  I felt like I was done, I did it and thanks.  Proof again I didn't need to talk it out and get any help.
Then a day ago I got another email from the coach.  "Did you want to do the same for this month or is there another area you would like to work on?"  The answer is no.  Go away.  I can go this alone.  I don't need you.  Sorry, nothing personal, but you are making me stubborn and rebellious!  I'm going to stop it all just so I don't feel like I'm jumping through your hoops any more.  These are MY hoops and give them back!  I simply responded that I would keep things the same and maintain.  I haven't heard back yet. 
So I'll take my stubborn self and throw out any plans or goals or check marks I need to achieve for August.  To hell with August!  I will do what I want and fly solo if I want or not.  If I want.  If I want to run with a pack I will, but not because I have to chalk up a point because of an email that someone else set up that was all my idea anyway.
Coaching therapy can make me crazy!  Why didn't I stick to myself in the first place.


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