Friday, September 16, 2011

Vacation work

I spent the majority, okay - let's be honest, all of my time yesterday working on my day off.  I was here at my desk, at home, on a vacation day I had to take, working on a website.  I started early, hemming and hawing about whether I should or shouldn't, do it or not, and finally I did.  I drank a pot of coffee while I was on the phone with the hosting sites support guy (very nice, very helpful!), got my domain name, and started putting what I wanted on web pages.  I started with a template I thought I would use and found as the day went on how much I removed and de-constructed it.  You might recognize some of the original template aspects but then maybe not.  I certainly deleted items I thought I might originally use but they are gone now with others of my own in their place.  I had to write/re-write some text.  I had to place pictures and information in the right places.  I had to decide what would best serve my purpose and how would a stranger view that information.
I got a call from Jay about 11:00am and he told me not to work all day, it was my day off.  I told him I wouldn't but it was 2:10 in the afternoon before I got up and decided I needed to eat something.  A sandwich and 40 minutes later I was back again.  It went on until almost 7:00.  It would seem like a long day but somehow it was good, it was energizing. 
I am off again today.  Another manditory vacation day that I will go back and finish some things I need to shift on my under-construction website.  I have a pretty clear plan in my head and that must be why I am getting lost in the time I am working on it.  I know I need to bake because I need more pictures.  I have definite ideas of what I need to take.  It seems I have some pretty definite ideas all throughout this process once I decided to give myself the go ahead.  I think that was all that was standing in my way.  Me and myself.  Once I gave myself permission and believed it...well, there was no stopping. 


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