Monday, September 19, 2011

Push publish

After trying hard to take it easy yesterday I sort of had success and sort of didn't.  I did enjoy the day.  I went out for a run, had breakfast and read for a while.  I made a trip to the grocery store and did some laundry.  Then I sort of strayed and worked on de-cluttering some items on my site.  I worked on it and reviewed it and I sent an email to Dante thinking I wanted him to look at it.  I kept working on it and I got it to a point where I was thinking it was at least ready to publish but I could still go in later and make changes again if I needed.  I could keep working on it but what is ever perfect the first time?  So I left it unpublished, in case he got back to me and I went and worked in the yard instead.
So I might have failed on the part about taking the day off but it wasn't the intense amount of work I had been doing the past few days.  I am going to count it as a day off.  And this morning I looked at the site again and pushed the publish button.  I will work on it while it is live from here.  I realize there will be things that might need to change but isn't that the way of life?  Always changing, hopefully always getting a little better with the work we put into it?
That's my thought about it right now. 


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