Saturday, September 3, 2011

Not so puny

I have just now managed to crawl away from home.  Here it is already noon and I started out by slapping the pavement and going out for a 7 mile run.  I had hopes of possibly making it 9 but I became quite aware after I hit mile five that seven was the max I would be able to go today.  Ouch!  I wasn't kidding about needing new running shoes!  I had already bandaged two places on my feet and still I was feeling the effects of not having the proper running shoes.  I am getting blisters and as much as I hate to admit it I might just lose the toenail on my left big toe.  Yep.  It's slightly sensitive and it seems to be turning purple.  Not a good sign.  I've had this before but it's been a long time.  So no matter how I might want to put off buying new running shoes I really can't put it off any more. 
So then after the run I knew I needed to get myself something to eat since I have a tendency not to be hungry after a workout but will crash if I don't eat.  I have just finally managed to drag myself out of the house and get myself a small coffee and whole grain bagel at Panera Bread.  It seems to have helped because I admit I was feeling very puny.  I am taking advantage of their free wi-fi and hitting this keyboard as I munch away.  I've also put together the beginnings of a grocery list and should grab those few things before heading home again.  I know, I know.  The running shoes.  Maybe after the grocery store I will go ahead and make my way to the store and try on some new shoes.  Then I can pick up a running belt with a water flask.  I have been wanting to get one of those for a while now and I might as well make the time now. 
Oops.  That was the last of my bagel.  Guess I'm good to get going now!  Later.


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