Monday, November 16, 2009

Way, what?

"I weigh what?"
When did that happen? When did I put the extra pounds on?

I can sit and pretend I didn't notice. I can act as if there weren't any changes in my snacking or lack of exercise. HA! Don't kid a kidder. I knew exactly what I was doing and continued on down that merry path ignoring all the warning signs. Now it's time to change course, or more accurately to get back on my course. I know what to do, how to do it, and have already done all the parts of fitting it in to my lifestyle. I have broken through all the hard obstacles. I just need to get back to it.
I bought a scale again. I have been without one for many, many months since the last one got demolished. No, it wasn't me. I didn't take a sledge hammer to the thing the way you are imagining it. I came home one day and a picture hanging above it had fallen and the corner smashed right through the digital read-out. I swear!
But now it’s been replaced and I can keep an eye on myself.
I will need to make some changes to my after work schedule of coming straight home.  I will need to make my stop at the gym. The workout needs to happen at that time and I’ll find a way to work it in. I don’t have a doubt.
It would be nicer to have a workout buddy. That common goal interaction can be a real boost.  All the experts agree it is one of the best ways to stay with a routine. But that isn’t likely to happen.  I won't let it hold me back.  I will go it alone.
Well, I guess the only thing left to do is to get started.
I’m on it.


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