Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Not coffee time

The daylight saving time change to fall back has me in my normal disrupted state. It doesn’t seem to matter if I gain an hour or lose an hour; I manage to stumble through an entire week without knowing what time it is. I have had the eerie feeling of I’m awake so it must be time to get up when it’s an hour earlier than I should. But then I’m up and dressed and ready to go.
So that is why I am here this morning. This is just another morning of having more time. I write in the mornings (and the evenings) but you usually don’t see that post (if you see it at all) until a day, two days later. I have a feeling that this morning you will get another real time deal. I mean it is only 5:53 am at this moment, I am dressed and ready to walk out the door and I have a paragraph of whiny complaining done already.
And today I have even more time since I have an appointment at 9:00. First thing I did when I got out of bed was go to make coffee. That isn’t a big move away from my routine but this morning I was pouring the water in and realized I can’t have coffee this morning! This appointment involves more blood work to be done for this crazy anemia I am suffering through, which means fasting, which means no coffee, no nothing, nada. So I’m up earlier than usual, I can’t have coffee, the appointment isn’t until 9:00 and I not only have to do blood work but an EKG and a chest x-ray, so it will be – hmmm – what do you guess…11:00 before I am out of there.
Then find the nearest Starbucks and you can bet they will ask if I need room for cream when I order my Venti black coffee. Just wait…I know they will. Then I have to see if I am able to find my way out of there because I always somehow get turned around and go in the wrong direction. I know the area but it always happens I go down the right street but headed in the wrong direction for where I need to go. At least it isn’t raining. I wonder if it will start raining about 9:00.
I could spend some extra time reading but the book I picked up isn’t that good. It was a suggested book that I unfortunately will need to give a poor review to the person that suggested it to me. I guess it’s an okay book if I was an adolescent male teenager but somehow I know the fully grown man that suggested it to me won’t be thrilled to hear that. Well, what? I gave it a shot, didn’t I? I am planning on finishing it. Maybe the book will change my mind by the end.
And yes…enough...the end.
And all that without a drop of coffee.


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