Saturday, November 14, 2009


Do you think the picture posting yesterday was a cop-out? It was. Of course it was. But I also knew my limitations during that specific instance. I shouldn’t have been doing anything. I knew after coming out of anesthesia from my surgical procedure that I was groggy and sleepy and would not be able to put two words together. I knew I had limitations. That was when I opted for pictures instead of words. It was at least pictures of the place I would have preferred to have been.
It was later in the day that I started feeling so good. I didn’t seem to have any of the issues they said I might and I didn’t feel like I had anything done to me at all. I felt that good.
Not so much this morning. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t feel bad but I do feel a little more tired today then I did yesterday. I was hoping to use today to get organized but am realizing that I will need to give in to the taking it easy that everyone has been urging me to do. I don’t always do that so well, but I’m trying.
So I’m stopping myself here to go off and read a few more chapters of the book I’ve started. I am hoping that by not persisting to continue working now will prove to revitalize me to get more done later. I mean, that’s what that bench from the first picture from yesterday said wasn’t it? Relax and Revitalize.

Okay…I’ll try.


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