Saturday, January 2, 2016

Planned moments

The second day of the New Year has started out cold and rainy. It should stay this way all day if you believe the weather casters. You can let their predictions rule your life or not. I say not since I have some things I want to do today and not all of them involve staying indoors.

I have a 4 mile run set for today. I've made use of the gym treadmill more than a few times in the past two weeks. I think I've made my peace with the thought that it works when I can't face the elements, like today. It's better to do than not to do so I will.

I need to stop at the grocery store. It's better I get the few items I need now instead of waiting until the real week starts up again. I have the time and I always like to be prepared. It's a whole comfort thing. Or is it control? It's a toss-up.

A little laundry, a little clean up, a little put away the holiday decorations and give the kitchen a good wipe down is all in store. It seems I have priorities all in a row and then I should/will have time to write. Ah, yes, that seems to have landed last on the list, yet again. I need to do something about the arrangement of those priorities even if it's only in the way I think. That isn't last and won't be squeezed in 'if I feel like it.' I will mark out a specific time today and put it in proper priority.

I've had my coffee. I have my plan. I still have the next two days off. What's up for this moment? Let's get started.


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