Thursday, January 7, 2016

Fast but unamazing

My three mile run on the treadmill yesterday afternoon flashed by at an incredibly fast pace. That is in comparison to the laughable experience of the day before where I managed a 5 mile run, in my home, without a treadmill. It was mostly running in place in front of the television with spurts of actual movement during commercials. Who does that?

I was trying to avoid opting out of running completely. I knew there was no way I was running outdoors due to the poor weather. I wasn't looking forward to going to the gym. I was leaning heavily toward skipping the run. My solution was to stay in the comfort of my own home but still try for some kind of running. I don't know where these ideas come from but my tracker was able to let me know when I reached 5 miles while running in place and actually running through the house during commercials. It took forever, but I got what I wanted. It made yesterdays 3 miles on the treadmill a breeze. There is something to be said about forward motion.

I'm not sure it was such an amazing idea but the thought of having a group of people running in place at my house is funnier than Woody Allen. Can you imagine the chaos when the commercials came on and everyone headed out into the rest of the house, dodging kitchen chairs, living room tables, and each other? Can you imagine Jay coming home during this run and asking what the heck is going on? He would have said the same thing if he caught me doing it all alone. The day I did that. It seems like fiction but it isn't. It was a long, slow, kinda crazy way to run 5 miles but I got it done.

Yesterdays three miles on the treadmill was fast, but much less interesting.


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