I just finished responding to the three commenters from the writing.com site about my short story, The Photo, I posted there yesterday. Now that the three site members rated my story, it is sitting at a four out of five 'stars'. Not bad and I got some good corrective feedback which is the only reason I put anything on the site in the first place. It's only for someone else to read the blame stories and let me know...hey! this is working, this needs work on grammar, this plot sucks or I believed the story until...
The first reviewer had very good things to say about the story and I was given a 3.5 stars but she didn't like the abrupt ending. Hmmm, I had a feeling about that. I have a tendency to write very good vignettes or create a story picture without making it full-fledged. I was outed on that, so I went back yesterday afternoon and used her suggestion to give a little more of an ending to make it more complete. I didn't change the use of all the 'maybe' in the first paragraph that she didn't like. That was intentional and comments from the third reviewer, that gave me 4 star rating, thought the entire piece was right on point and liked the 'maybe' in the first paragraph. She was only able to find two grammatical errors which is a whoo-hoo for me because it is something I've been trying so hard to improve upon. Now, the middle reviewer gave me a 4 star rating also, so he must have liked the piece, but I didn't get much from his comments. He basically gave me a synopsis of my own story. I mean, I wrote it so I know what it's about. I was looking for a little more of his opinion which, I could then discard without a second thought which is what I basically did with his synopsis of my own story. Whatya gonna do?
I got some readers, I got some feedback. I experimented with the suggestion of lengthening the story and reposted. The longer version might not work as well as the original or it might be better. I look at it as great practice and it's something I can use going forward on new stuff I write. That's all I wanted to accomplish with this old piece anyway!
The Photo (clicking this link will take you to view the new, longer version-approx 1100 word count).
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