I don't have to go to work today. I took a vacation day to add to this long Memorial Day weekend which stretches it out to a wonderfully consecutive four days. Splendid. I'm finishing my first cup of coffee after staying in bed much longer than usual and listening to the rain spatter outside. The school bus came and went, the garbage truck is roaring on the other side of the neighborhood, starting and stopping as it works it way through the streets collecting the cast-offs from everyone's holiday. And I get to sit and watch it all from my upstairs window, sipping my coffee and not being bothered by the time and where I need to be this morning. Because I don't need to be anywhere except where I am right now. Or anywhere else I want to be. Days off are especially fine when you've already had a few before the actual day.
I am up to nine reviews on my short story, The Photo, on the writing.com site. I'm at a solid 4 stars out of 5 with two of most recent reviewers giving me a 4 1/2 stars. I am very encouraged. I guess spending all that time reading up, researching, and trying to learn more about what exactly this craft is all about helped quite a bit. Recognizing the amount of work that needs to be done after a story is finished can be daunting to make a few simple ideas become real. That is where the work really begins; after the story is written. But it is also the most rewarding if you are up to the challenge and the work. It took me a while to bemoan the amount of work it would actually take, but once I realized my writing wouldn't get any better without doing it I figured I might as well get started. As it turns out, it isn't so bad. It isn't bad at all and I will spend some time doing more of it today while the house is quiet and the rain spatters down.
Since I'm off and I don't have to go to work today.
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