Friday, May 16, 2014

Fire up the oven

A couple of weeks ago, Dante asked me how my cookie business was going. There wasn't anything to tell since I haven't spent any time updating, upgrading or even thinking about my cookie website. I have put the cookies on a back burner or should I say, let the oven cool on that topic.  I haven't given it a thought since last year and there hasn't been any activity on that front so I pretty much took the time off from pursuing it.

That changed this morning when I got an order for 12 dozen cookies. There is nothing that puts me back into gear than someone reaching out and asking me to do something that has only hovered in the recesses of my mind.  I've got some work cut out for me. It isn't the task of filling this order. That is a simple thing. And I could leave it at that because that one order is enough to pay from my website for a year plus profit.

But I need to give this business some dedicated time. I've put it off long enough and if I only get a few things updated, upgraded, and taken care of, I will be so much more ahead of the game. I have an official logo I need to incorporate into labels and my branding. I need to spend some time getting things into shape.

A couple of weeks ago thoughts of letting things slide a little longer seemed okay. An unexpected order for cookies suddenly has me excited just thinking of all the things I need to do again.
Who knew cookies could be so motivating?


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