Saturday, March 1, 2014

High Priority

I guess I better give some thought to my fiction writing. It's happening whether I want to think about it or not. Those early morning hours when I am half asleep are being invaded with decisions about my story Crossed Wires. The thought to eliminate the prologue plays in my head. I need to incorporate it into the story but how exactly can I do that and still set up the story?

The prologue was actually a writing exercise. It was merely a 'he said, she said' version of a situation.  I thought I'd make it into a short story; a quick, light romance. It ended up being the word count of a short novella instead of a short story. I know I can go back and clean it up but I wanted to go ahead and write another short story first. I have a short story length on The Beach House which, again, will end up another short novella and not a short story. Then there is Imaginary Lines that I just took off writing with no idea what the story is really about (yet).

All these works in progress and I haven't touched a one of them. It's been at least three months, possibly more. And here I am thinking about them again as they invade my sleeping time and making me aware they are still brewing deep in my mind. So, along with everything else I have going on, I can add this to my long list of things to do.  How do I sort out a list like this when everything is a high priority?


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