Monday, March 3, 2014


It's a Monday and I'm feeling really good. I am not minding the horrific drop in temperatures or the warning of icy rain for later tonight and tomorrow morning. Despite the turn in the weather, there is definitely something good in the air.

I wonder if it has anything to do with how very good my coffee tastes to me this morning. I wonder if it has anything to do with how very pitch dark it was just a few minutes ago, when now it's a hazy blue. Maybe it's the amount of things I got to do over the weekend before going back to work today. Maybe. I can certainly appreciate all those things.

I have a feeling it isn't so much all the things going on outside of me. Those are all great and good.  Really, they are. I can't keep up with all the good things.  What a nice spot to be in to start a new week.


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