I'm trying to get my head on straight about what day it is. I've been off the past two days and it's felt like a Saturday or weekend and it isn't, which is especially nice and great and wonderful. Now, today, it's Saturday; not that it makes a difference. I'm still off from work and I don't have to return for another week! What amazing grace of planning on my part was that! Awesome. Say it again, awesome.
I'm really good at this 'making my own schedule.' I could do this for an unlimited amount of time. Come to think of it, this is definitely going to be my next big goal. It might take me some years and planning but I am going to make this happen. I will get myself maneuvered into my much coveted position of not having to show up somewhere...like a job working for a paycheck. How about that for a new year's resolution. How about it?
The best part about this, is the whole formulation of a plan, no matter how sketchy, to accomplish something I now have in my head. It will need some determination, a bit by bit forward motion, and probably some changes to the plan along the way.
Today is Saturday. A normal day to be off and yet it's a whole 'nother day with a whole other meaning. It's the start of a entirely new way to get up and look forward.
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