What the heck happened?
I was limping into December without an ounce of resolve to keep at this blog. It was time to stop, close down shop, and let it go. There was no longer any reasonable purpose. I had used the blog the way I intended from the beginning which was to build a discipline of words. The idea was to be consistent with the daily putting together of sentences in order to try to improve. I felt I had done that over the course of many posts (over 1400) and since they were not making any cohesive sense, I thought to stop. Enough. Leave it blank and let it go.
Then real preventative measures started happening. I stopped writing here on Dec 4th. I was asked to take care of Mr. L half a day on the afternoon of Friday, Dec 13th. The poor two year old had strep throat and couldn't go to daycare. I watched him that afternoon and the next, giving him his first doses of antibiotics. On the following Tuesday, Dante had major knee surgery. I was there all day as his surgery stretched to two hours and my throat started to get scratching and I could feel a fever coming on. It was evening before Dante was settled into his overnight room and I has exhausted and sick. I went straight home to bed. The next morning I awoke to text's from Dante saying the doctor had seen him and was being released. No chance of getting to the doctor for my own antibiotics yet. We rushed and picked him up and brought him home. My home. He cannot bend his entire left leg. He blew out his entire ACL, FCL and meniscus. He will be on crutches for six weeks and this first day there was no way he could make it up to his second floor apartment. With him settled for the moment, I went out to the emergency care and got my meds. Then, I was asked to take care of Mr. L. Why not? I was already home with Dante even if I was miserably sick. I mean, they were too. One couldn't move and the other was all over the house until I propped the younger one into bed with the older one and told them to watch each other.
Before I knew it, everyone was cleared out of the house and I managed to sleep through the entire day of Saturday. Then I woke up Monday morning and it's two days before Christmas with not all gifts bought and NO MENU.
Things have gotten too far away from me. I'm feeling better but have minimum time. Can I pull it together? I will. No one will go without, and no one will go hungry.
And the blog? I don't have time to think about that now. Besides, sometimes I think too much.
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