Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Free candy

What is the topic for today?
Clean up my desk?  Organize all the stuff I have been accumulating and make some space so I can focus?  My bits of writing have been producing too much paper lately and I have gone off in every which direction.  It's a good thing, but there needs to be a focus, or it all stays in the form of thoughts and nothing more.
I've been doing more reading up.  More articles about writing and I came across one that offers a free application for keeping track for your stories.  It's called yWriter5 and is a free download.   I believe the most popular version of this type of application is Scrivener but yWriter has some features that looked more interesting.  And did I say it is a free download?  It can track everything about your story.  Yes, everything.  All together in one area and can also create reports, and storyboards, and didn't I have this character in this scene when this happened?  All the things my aging mind, and I wrote that so long ago I don't remember anymore, can help with.  Isn't that a free bag of candy?
I will try it out since I am needing to get organized.  What better way than with a new gadget?
I promise, it isn't just a way to distract myself from actually writing.
Well, that download didn't take very long!  Less than a minute!  It suggests I now go to Project and take a look at the New Project Wizard to get started but I will need to wait until this afternoon.  I know if I start it up now I will be late for work.  Boo!  Nothing like getting a new toy and having to put it aside before you get a chance to play with it.


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