Sunday, July 7, 2013

Anxiously filling time

How good does this get?  I am sitting upstairs on a Sunday morning using my own laptop after a run.  I am taking these few moments to cool down before I get ready to head out to my own personal paradise.  I'll be there some time right after noon today.  I already have a head start on my vacation by a few days and I have a few more in front of me.  The next couple will be away from the house and I will be gazing over salt water and enjoying bountiful breezes.  It sounds so good.  I'm really looking forward to it.
I'm taking my flash drive of old pieces I wrote.  I'm taking my nook.  I'm taking my bound book of blank pages for notes and my iPod, running shoes.  I didn't mean to start packing right here.  Maybe I should scoot along about now.  I have some towels to fold and a few dishes in the sink to take care of before we go.  I'm just going to use up all this extra time I have until it's time to leave.  I'm so looking forward.
I mean, how good does this get?


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