So I went to these sites. There has been some activity recently on both. I posted my Crossed Wires story at the end of April and received over 800 downloads, 38 votes with a rating of 2.74. I didn't get any written feedback but I had to take it as a positive since other stories that I posted had been there since August last year and only have 270 downloads and only recently had any votes. So I take the Crossed Wires as a positive since more people read and voted on the the new story in a much shorter amount of time.
Then two nights ago I posted a very short piece to another site. I have already received 6 bits of feedback and this other site doesn't hold back and have a fancy complicated way of averaging votes (like taking away the top 5% and bottom 5% and then averaging some formula to come up my my rating of 2.74). It gives you whatever average that each person gives you. So my 6 votes on this short bit are, two votes of 3, two votes of 4, one of 4.5 and one of 5, giving me a rating of 4 (out of 5). I also got the benefit of emails with short reviews including grammatical corrections, flow suggestions, and one person wanting the piece to be longer and others just being complimentary. I thanked them all in a return email and I don't think I made any one of them uncomfortable.
So then I had to stop and think. Maybe it isn't that I am making them uncomfortable but they are afraid it will make me uncomfortable? When all I really want is a fresh perspective on what I have been viewing and looking at over and over again to the point I can't see what needs to be fixed any more. I don't have to tell you, now, do I? That can become very uncomfortable.
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