Sunday, July 28, 2013

Day 8 & 9 - CH

Saturday and Sunday, July 27 & 28, 2013 - Day 8 & 9 - CH:

I didn't write anything yesterday (Saturday).  I might not write today (Sunday).  I'm not sure why I titled this as if I had anything to report.  Then again, I will very likely get some writing done today.  But, I do not think I will continue to do a Day 10, 11, 12...3579, 3580... 40,683...yikes!  What a disaster!  Maybe, I need to intersperse updates and do all that I do in the background.  Why not?  I do everything else I do in the background.
Fact is...I needed the time off yesterday.  I had one of those mid-summer hazy cloud-over-my-head days.  I knew I needed to get myself dressed and get out of the house but I was never able to get myself to do it.  Then Mr. L wanted to come over to play and I had the best reason to stay put.  We spent the afternoon together and that worked out fine for the both of us.  He went through my books, again, the way he does.  He speed reads them mostly, flipping the pages very quickly by pressing his thumb to the edges.  Sometimes, he just takes a break.

It can get pretty exhausting, all that reading.  Or writing.  So I took a break yesterday, too.  I just didn't stretch out and snooze.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Day 7 - CH

Friday, July 26, 2013 - Day 7:

It seems when you are writing a characters thoughts the proper way to punctuate it is a free-for-all.  When Susan (my main character) was alone and thought of something to put on her list of purchases, she thought, Where's  my list?   Uh-oh.  Freeze.  I'm stuck in place.  I had to stop writing to find out what the proper punctuation was for a characters thoughts.  So I left my word document and immediately went to google.
I typed in 'correct grammatical punctuation for thoughts'.  I got a list of possible matches.  I open and read, then I opened and read another, then another.  I mean, I needed to compare.  It's the internet and you don't really know who the experts are and who aren't.  Anyone can put anything out there, it doesn't mean it's accurate.  So I read and compared.
I found that there is no real rule of punctuation for a characters thoughts.  Dialogue between two people have quotation marks and you can use quotation marks for thoughts.  It isn't a good idea to use them when you also have a dialogue going on.  It can be confusing.  Italics can be used for thoughts but that is also used for emphasis.  No punctuation can be used, especially if it's written in first person because that character is the narrator and the reader already knows what they are thinking because they are telling the story.  So it's pretty much a free-for-all, do what you want, except they all agree you should do whatever you choose consistently.
Besides, it said at the end, if you ever get your story published, the publishing house will decide and let you know how to format it.  Right. Good to know.  If ever.
I knew I could have dealt with it later.  I should have kept writing.
I also spent time reading about dangling participles...just because.

Day 6 - CH

Thursday, July 25, 2013 - Day 6:

A longer writing session after work that started off mostly distracted.  It took time to settle into the business of what was on my page and what needed to be added.  The outcome was only a few more hundred words if it is to be measured in word counts.
I've gotten past day 6 with a daily session of sitting down and working on this one piece.  There is so much more to go but the daily discipline is becoming easier to do as the days click by.  I wouldn't have thought I would be able to get this far with everything that goes on, especially this late in the week when energy starts to lag notoriously.  But the outlook is good and the outcome is, well, I can say I've finally gotten past the beginning.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Day 5 - CH

Wednesday, July 24, 2013 - Day 5:

This morning was another short writing session before work.  I was dwelling on the same words I had already written, but it dawned on me that the few words I added here and there (and corrected) is my process.  I'm sure sorry it isn't the way I'm supposed to do this.  I'm supposed to keep writing and keep getting the story written in draft form.
But I realized I am hovering over these first few introductory words of the story to get to know more about the main character because I felt something was missing.  The past two mornings I've spent working on this one scene has revealed more to me about Susan than any of my original ideas.  It reveals a bit of who she is and why she's there but more, because there are certain things that aren't apparent about her until she is on the page instead of in my imagination.  Like the way she planned a few things in advance instead of dealing with them when she got to the cottage.  In the outline, it is there to save time and word count, but on the page it tells something about her.  She wants to get this task done and move on, which is important because that will change.
And now that I've rationalized the last two days...

And I had every intention of writing more after work and expanding the draft I have started.  It didn't happen so it was good that I spent the time in the morning working on it.  It keeps me honest about opening and doing some type of work on it daily.  But I have to start focusing on moving this simple story along.  I've been at the beginning too long.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Day 4 - CH

Tuesday, July 23, 2013 - Day 4:

I spent some writing time early this morning before work.  I realize I am circling back over the same 950 words I have so far.  It's my typical, 'lets edit the first chapter to death' syndrome.  I will give myself a little leeway since I consider myself to be on this long, learning curve.  It's hard to un-stick certain routines and writing these short stories is supposed to give me the lessons I need to learn in a quicker block of time. It's instead of taking on the work of a novel or even a novella.  I figure it's the same process, just shorter.
My main circling on these few words this morning have been more of a technical nature.  I received some very good advice from an individual on on my 650 word piece A Penny
I received an e-mail from a Thomas Beckett.  I was a little intimidated by the name alone and even though I had received some positive feedback from others I had a feeling I was going to hear some, well, I was going to hear some truths.  So, like a big girl, I took a deep breath and opened the e-mail.
Mr. Beckett introduced himself as a retired newspaper journalist with a reputation as being a tough critic.  He also wanted to point out that I take his comments in the nature they were intended which was to help and correct.  Right.  Yes.  Read on, big girl.
He very wisely went through my entire piece with crossed out words and reasons why.  He made examples and pointed out the obvious (that I hadn't caught as obvious, but were).  In other words, he helped!
He made me realize that I was telling a story instead of letting myself tell you a story.  The difference of passive vs. active became apparent.  It is the difference between boring a reader with a voice going on and on on a subject to a voice getting the reader involved with actions happening now as the story goes along.
Light bulb!  Stop telling the story and tell them a story!  Change those words like 'She had chosen' to 'She chose'.  Technical, technical but what a difference in the read-through it makes.
And that is what I did this morning with the 950 words I have so far.  It isn't easy because I am not good at finding all that passive stuff.  So what else could I do but set up my tools, my gadgets.  I went into my word settings and sure enough, there was an option for it to immediately warn against passive-voice!  When I started my document this morning I was at a 7% passive and when I stopped I was at 3%.
I feel pretty good about that and ready to move on.  It is just a draft so far, anyway, and I need to move on with it. 
But not before, and I did, thank Mr. Thomas Beckett.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Day 3 - CH

Monday, July 22, 2013 - Day 3:

I'm not sure this is a good idea to report daily.  And it isn't because I didn't write today because I did.  I have been doing well as far as the time spent working on the story.  I've added more words today.  I worked another hour and a half.  It's coming along.
I'm just not sure I want to be writing and then have to report on it.  Here. It's like going out for happy hour after work and talking about work.  Except I don't consider it all work.  Well, is work.  I mean I have to work at it. But to write and then to write about what I wrote.  That's the part I'm not sure is a good idea.  Probably pretty boring, too, although anything I've written lately could be considered that.  So I'm not sure.  I'll think about it, maybe.

But for today, I managed some good, quiet, writing time.  Actual writing, not outlines or character sketches or anything about planning to write.  Actual words of the story.  Do I wish I had written more?  Yes.  Oh course.  But it seems to be starting off slowly.  I'll get the momentum going.  I will.  But I need to stop for now.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Day 2 - CH

Sunday, July 21, 2013 - Day 2:

Thoughts at 7:28am - Writing is not far from my mind.  Even with the time I spent working on my outline yesterday, I feel like it is too skeletal.  By that, I mean I certainly haven't fleshed it out.  I may have an idea of where the story might be going, but I need to think harder about my characters.  I haven't formulated enough information about them except a glimmer of what is driving the protagonist.  Glimmers aren't enough. It has to go deeper and my sub-conscious mind is telling me...these writing applications can be great tools but stick with your instincts about how to get the story written.  I might be filling in the blanks in a nice, neat, little system but if I work only that way the entire story will be blank.  But, I must be progressing in my writing to be able to fill in those blanks and still recognize I have other factors to consider to make a whole story.

9:35-10:00am - Just after a run and I've worked through some strong items that will drive the story.  Only a short amount of time spent but I'm being called away for other things.

The story is now officially off the ground.  I didn't get in a lot of words but if I didn't start I wouldn't have anywhere to go. Now I have started down the path and the story is stuck in my head.  I've read (not today or yesterday) that it is good to stay with it at this point.  Daily.  A bit at a time to know where you are, and to know where you are going next without letting days lapse and having to re-figure where you left off.  It's only day two and it's tough since it isn't a typical part of my routine.  Yet.

Oh...I found where I have a direct link to 'my portfolio' on  It's only if you wanted to read the version of A Penny that I posted there.  You don't have to log-in or create user names and passwords to read it this way.  I'm pretty sure.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Day 1 - CH

I am getting down to basics.  This site has always been meant to be my tool.
With that in mind, I will be using it as such for the course of this goal to write a simple, short story.  It will be my gauge and my log book.  It will also be used to keep me accountable to myself and to keep me focused. 

Saturday, July 20, 2013 - Day One:
1:55pm - 2:10pm

  • Pulled everything off my desk and sat at work table facing away from laptop.
  • Quickly went through all notes, put in appropriate story binders, or put in stack for trash.
  • Pulled notes only for current 7500 word project with working title of Coming Home=CH


  • Back to desk and laptop.  Opened CH and started in yWriter5 application.  Completed brief outlines with scenes for entire story
  • Yogurt break (for me) and beer run (for Birthday Party tonight at Sonny and Selma's House)
  • Back to work and re-looked over outline.  Need to add brief character sketches to application and the sub-thread that moves the story.  It will be pretty lame without that part.
So, I really spent two hours over the course of the entire afternoon working on CH.  I don't have a single word written toward the story but I have some planning out of the way.  It wouldn't have taken as long if I hadn't entered it all into yWriter5 but then I also wouldn't have been able to print the entire synopsis by Chapter and Scene.  What does all that mean?  It means I should be able to pick up that printed copy and know exactly what I need to start writing and what I need to accomplish.  Then I can move to the next scene and know what I am writing. So for today, Day One for CH is done.
I have to get ready for the Birthday party. My grandson is turning 8 yrs old and his cousin, turning 5, with his family from out of town here to celebrate.  I'm talking Mr. L's big brother turning 9.  (Mr. L is only 19 months-not 9 years, yet)!    Gifts were purchased this morning and they are wrapped and ready to go.  Now I need to get myself in that same state.

Simple goal?

I am at the point of information overload.  I knew I was creeping toward that end but continued to fill my head with another article, another piece of advise, another viewpoint of how all this writing should be done.  It is all good information but there is no reason to ingest it all in one sitting or continuous sittings.  Besides, it doesn't leave me enough time to do the actual thing I am trying to figure out how to do (correctly) which is writing fiction.
It wouldn't seem to be a stupid approach to read and try to learn as much as I can, but when I forfeit the one thing I are trying to do it is stupid.  Or it isn't smart.  It would be the same as trying to run by reading Runners World all day and week but never taking a step in my running shoes.  What good is all the information about stride and hydration if you never actually put it into practice?  Oh, dear.  Another reminder of something else I haven't done all week.  Great.  But that's a joke (really).  This isn't a beat myself up session.  So I missed a week.  Challenge me - I'll take you on.
I have been catching myself reading another article from Writer's Digest as it popped up in my inbox and I would half-grin knowing I was going to read one more article instead of sliding it into a folder for later.
So this is a reminder to myself to put aside ALL reading materials for now (Ouch, this might hurt) and write a draft of that short 7500 word story I started.  Okay, I am smiling here because this isn't a new goal.  Maybe I just needed to 'officially' make it the goal.  With certain parameters, and I should organize my desk, and have a deadline, and, wait, hold up... KISS...yes, stupid.  You all know what that means.  Keep it simple.
Goal = 7500 words.
and go for a 'friggin run.

Friday, July 19, 2013

That'll do

I just got home and since it is a Friday afternoon it is now officially my weekend.  I was only a moment ago, going over some notes I had written, and although I could write them up into a nice little post here, I don't know that I will do that.  It was some pretty encouraging stuff and with a little tweaking it would be a good few words.  But the encouraging stuff I wrote is more for me than you, and since I've read them it doesn't really need to go any further.
What I just read was probably more organized and made more sense than what I am putting down now but it's my Friday afternoon.  It's my weekend.  I'll save the energy and organization for the fiction writing I'll be doing.  I finally got to the end of my week and it's like schools out.  Except I get to stay in and write when I was in school.  Wait a minute.  Let me try that again.
I finally got to the end of my week and it's like schools out.  I get to use my free time as I like and if that means I will be using it to write long, fictional essay, then that's okay.  Sounds a little defensive.
I finally got to the end of my week and it's like schools out.  I'm free to do as I like. I get to choose what and when.  It's all up to me. That'll do for now. 
It's officially my weekend.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Knew that

I didn't get around to coming upstairs yesterday afternoon so I never had a chance to try out my newly downloaded yWriter5 application.  I don't have time again this morning.
I finished reading another short book by a well-published writer talking about how she writes.  I probably didn't need to read it but when did reading anything turn out too badly?  I can't think of a time.  It is just more information to store up.
I am back to that old excuse of time management and how I claim to have too little of it.  That was one of the subjects the well-published writer talked about.  Briefly.  She pretty much summed it up by saying you should make writing a responsibility and show up.  I never 'showed up' yesterday afternoon.  It had nothing to do with time.
She caught me on a few other points like don't re-write chapter one until you think it's perfect.  Guilty.  Although, I have gotten better about continuing to write instead of dwelling on what I have written.  There were other common sense aides to writing.  What if I have so many ideas I start one thing and leave it for another and another?  Pick one and finish it.  How do you overcome self-doubt?  I'm not sure but if it's important, you grit your teeth and take the chance.  What do I do about procrastinating?  It's like I'm afraid to write each day.  Many writers fear facing an empty page and more fearful it won't be good.  Don't get caught up using your writing time talking about writing, planning your writing area, thinking about writing.  Just write.
Uh-oh.  I knew that.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Free candy

What is the topic for today?
Clean up my desk?  Organize all the stuff I have been accumulating and make some space so I can focus?  My bits of writing have been producing too much paper lately and I have gone off in every which direction.  It's a good thing, but there needs to be a focus, or it all stays in the form of thoughts and nothing more.
I've been doing more reading up.  More articles about writing and I came across one that offers a free application for keeping track for your stories.  It's called yWriter5 and is a free download.   I believe the most popular version of this type of application is Scrivener but yWriter has some features that looked more interesting.  And did I say it is a free download?  It can track everything about your story.  Yes, everything.  All together in one area and can also create reports, and storyboards, and didn't I have this character in this scene when this happened?  All the things my aging mind, and I wrote that so long ago I don't remember anymore, can help with.  Isn't that a free bag of candy?
I will try it out since I am needing to get organized.  What better way than with a new gadget?
I promise, it isn't just a way to distract myself from actually writing.
Well, that download didn't take very long!  Less than a minute!  It suggests I now go to Project and take a look at the New Project Wizard to get started but I will need to wait until this afternoon.  I know if I start it up now I will be late for work.  Boo!  Nothing like getting a new toy and having to put it aside before you get a chance to play with it.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Few words

I could blather on, but I've been busy.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Start it off

I have no time this morning to sit and ponder but the day is still stretched out ahead of me.  We are supposed to get some rain but I'm still waiting.  I got my run done early yesterday morning.  Well, it wasn't that early but around 8ish and I was able to check things off my long list of to-do's I had.  Pretty much everything is in it's place.  A good way to start off the new week, the mid-month.
I got another email from someone who read my short piece with nice things to say.  This must be the third person I've had telling me they are going to start flipping penny's when they see them.  It wasn't my intention but it's interesting and nice.
My favorite note was very simple.  It came with a five star rating and said simply, "This is a very nice piece and well written. Keep writing."   
It's probably my favorite because it came with the added encouragement.  A little boost to start the week.  Ooops...I've gone over my allotted time!  

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Don't think too long

So I am sitting at my laptop again this morning instead of going out for a run.  I think I also should go to the grocery store and (blast) fold those never ending loads of laundry that seem to populate my dryer.  I need to vacuum the staircase and rooms upstairs.  I need to take the recycling out and I've gotten so used to trying to edit myself that I should go back to the beginning of this and re-structure every last sentence so they don't all start with 'I'.
I started a new story yesterday but the few words I got down took me a while.  First, it took me too long to get up and actually start writing.  I had that long list of things to do first (like always) that I was pretending were getting in my way.  Then while I was distracting myself I pretended to be working out a character sketch for the main female.  I had my blank page binder and wrote in all these traits for her.  She was working herself up into a nice little package.  I thought the male main character would be able to disrupt her quite well and that would make for some good conflict.  Then I actually sat down and started writing.
I don't know exactly how long that 650 words that stayed on the page took me.  It seemed like a very long time.  The entire list of character traits had nothing to do with what made it to the document and she isn't exactly that same image I thought she would be.  I also discovered there is something more going on with her about the cottage she comes back to.
This is supposed to be a short story.  It is a contest that was on the site about a summer romance that needs to be 1000 word minimum with a 5000 word maximum.  I thought even if I don't enter it into the contest (deadline is 7/31) I wanted to use the idea to get started on another story.  This gave me some parameters.  This gave me a thought and I'm going with it.  I am using the working title of Coming Home and when I first came up with it I didn't realize it was going to have more meaning to the main character.  Until I started writing her yesterday and she walked through the door.
So I have a main character that isn't exactly like the character sketch I started out with and there is another underlying thread with her that I didn't know existed.  Who is writing who?
Maybe I should go out for that run and think about it.

Friday, July 12, 2013


I've been spending too much time on these writing sites.  Let me clarify.  There are two writing sites that I have used to post stories I have written.  The whole idea behind me posting these stories to these sites was to gather some information on how I could improve my writing.  I had to face a fact that I didn't have anyone that would read over my work to check it check it for anything.  No one I know will read anything.  It makes them uncomfortable.  I'm guessing.  I guess that it makes them uncomfortable because the writing isn't any good and they don't know how to tell me.  Or it makes them uncomfortable because they will tell me it's good when it isn't and I'll know.  Because I do know when someone is telling me something they don't mean.  So, basically, I am the one making them uncomfortable and why would anyone do me the (favor)?  Who wants to do a favor for someone that makes them feel uncomfortable.  Or, really, who wants to do someone a favor when they have to read something that isn't very good and have to tell them the truth about it.  Even if that is what I want them to tell me so I can fix it.  Can you see the dilemma?  
So I went to these sites.  There has been some activity recently on both.  I posted my Crossed Wires story at the end of April and received over 800 downloads, 38 votes with a rating of 2.74.  I didn't get any written feedback but I had to take it as a positive since other stories that I posted had been there since August last year and only have 270 downloads and only recently had any votes.  So I take the Crossed Wires as a positive since more people read and voted on the the new story in a much shorter amount of time.  
Then two nights ago I posted a very short piece to another site.  I have already received 6 bits of feedback and this other site doesn't hold back and have a fancy complicated way of averaging votes (like taking away the top 5% and bottom 5% and then averaging some formula to come up my my rating of 2.74).  It gives you whatever average that each person gives you.  So my 6 votes on this short bit are, two votes of 3, two votes of 4, one of 4.5 and one of 5, giving me a rating of 4 (out of 5).  I also got the benefit of emails with short reviews including grammatical corrections, flow suggestions, and one person wanting the piece to be longer and others just being complimentary.  I thanked them all in a return email and I don't think I made any one of them uncomfortable.
So then I had to stop and think.  Maybe it isn't that I am making them uncomfortable but they are afraid it will make me uncomfortable?  When all I really want is a fresh perspective on what I have been viewing and looking at over and over again to the point I can't see what needs to be fixed any more.  I don't have to tell you, now, do I?  That can become very uncomfortable.  

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Let it go, Kate

If I was hugging a file folder a little to close to my chest yesterday I sure got over that.  I worked on a short 650 word piece that I had put together back in March of 2009.  It was a simple story that is actually true.  It was after I ran my first 10K.  I had driven to my personal paradise for the race and Dante went with me. When we came back that weekend I wrote up the short story.
I originally wrote it in first person.  I said this and I told that.  I had the dialogue that had gone on between me and Dante and it was a good little bit of writing.  But I took it on again to make it better yesterday.

I took it out of first person and made it a story about a lady and her son.  Most of the dialogue stayed the same and I added a tiny bit more descriptive words towards the end.  I cleaned up the commas, hyphens, and as much of the other grammatical issues I could find.  Then I posted it on
What, wait, I hear you say.  What happened to  Well, I found out that sort of wants short, quick stories.  They don't particularly want chapters and long word counts.  This site seems to encourage more short items so everyone can give their opinions and reviews.  So I posted my newly edited short there at about this time last night.
As it turns out, I have already had three people give me their thoughts on the piece!  Feedback!  People letting me know!  And my score is an average of 4 out of the 5.  And one gave me a five.  The other two pointed out a misused comma (drat! thought I had caught them all) and mostly more compliments.

Maybe, if I get another review I'll post it on but I'm not sure it will get the same response. But that is just it.  I don't know and I didn't know until I did.  And I have.
So, now Kate is the only one holding file folders too close to her chest.
Update 7/12/13 6:23am - I received two more reviews with scores of 4 and 4.5!  Five bits of feedback in a day.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

File hugging

I've spent a little time this morning going through my document library trying to sort and organize.  I wasn't heading in that direction when I first started out.  I was mainly looking for a certain short piece that I was going to start editing and possibly get into some type of better shape of reading than it is now in it's present state.
Once I arrived at the location of all my documents I thought I should create new folders to place the random bits of fiction.  I dragged and moved a few to get them into order.  Some were marked clearly and that made it easy to move the related stories and revisions to the proper files I created.  Then I found one that I opened in order to identify where it should go.  I found this short bit...

Kate walked up to the boss’s door and gave a quick rap with her knuckles.  She already had her hand on the doorknob and didn’t wait for his permission to enter before pulling the door open and walking in.  He was sitting behind his desk with the phone to his ear and moved forward in his chair when she came to stand across from him.  As she waited for him to finish, she crossed her arms moving the file folder she was holding against her chest.  She kept her arms wrapped around the file like she was protecting it as she waited.

That was all the document contained.  I kind-of, sort-of, remember writing it but I don't have any recollection about what my idea was, where I was going with it, what I was planning to do with it?  It's just a paragraph, I guess, I decided to write and then forgot about.  I think it's curious that Kate here is hugging that file folder.  Am I hugging my random bits of stories a little to close to the chest instead of just letting them grow into whatever they need to grow into?  Just a thought. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Home again, home again for a few hours already and I still need to fold those towels in the dryer.  I've got things put away and travel clothes in the washer.  My desk upstairs is set up again although I'm feeling slightly less than energetic right now.  I still have all day tomorrow off.  Jay will be back to work but I get my day home alone, which I am looking forward to.    
It was a good few days.  Wish it could stretch but all good things come to - well - that's what they say.  They say it all comes to an end.  But it hasn't quite yet and I will take every slim minute I've got.

More coffee

I'm barely stumbling awake.  I knew I didn't have any coffee but I also knew the office of this establishment has pots of it made in the mornings.  It was only a few steps away so I pulled on some short, threw on a top and shuffled into my flip-flops.  On the short walk over I ran my fingers through my hair to make sure it was lying flat and pushed the door open to the office.  A mumbled good morning came out of my mouth to the lady behind the counter but I did so without raising my head as I made a straight line to the coffee machine.  I was tempted to take two cups.  They are terribly small cups but I only took one and filled it to the very top.  A quick thank you was returned to the lady when she bid me a good day.  She must be used to the early morning coffee fiends that can only stumble and mumble on days like this.  If she isn't, she just thought I was rude.  But I got my coffee and I'm not rude.  She can think about it all day if she wants and I'll be off doing other things.  Probably searching down more coffee.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Like now

I just wrote a post that I will not publish.  I was feeling a little too sorry for myself and I just don't have the patience for that right now.  Let me count off all the good things that I have going for me and try to put what I was boo-hooing about into perspective.  No.  No.  There is no reason to even mention what it was all about.  Nothing.  That's what it was about.

I did some writing on a short piece yesterday that I actually felt like I got through and finished.  It was about 1700 words and I went back and forth, trying to clean it up, fix the up, and make the characters have motivation for what they were doing.  I knew it was a little over-the-top so it won't land anywhere for anyone to read but the process was good.  The entire subject was lacking but that's the way it goes sometimes.  At least I worked it all the way through.
I have other ideas going through my head.  I need to put them down.  I have another story that is started but I still don't know where to go with it.  It sure sounds like a lot yet I have nothing to show.  But I am on vacation and the primary thing is to relax. Like now.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Anxiously filling time

How good does this get?  I am sitting upstairs on a Sunday morning using my own laptop after a run.  I am taking these few moments to cool down before I get ready to head out to my own personal paradise.  I'll be there some time right after noon today.  I already have a head start on my vacation by a few days and I have a few more in front of me.  The next couple will be away from the house and I will be gazing over salt water and enjoying bountiful breezes.  It sounds so good.  I'm really looking forward to it.
I'm taking my flash drive of old pieces I wrote.  I'm taking my nook.  I'm taking my bound book of blank pages for notes and my iPod, running shoes.  I didn't mean to start packing right here.  Maybe I should scoot along about now.  I have some towels to fold and a few dishes in the sink to take care of before we go.  I'm just going to use up all this extra time I have until it's time to leave.  I'm so looking forward.
I mean, how good does this get?

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Got it back

I got a text today about noontime.  You will never guess, since I wasn't expecting it, but it was from the electronics store saying my laptop was repaired and ready to pick up.  Whoop, whoop!  I couldn't believe it.  I was pretty resigned to the fact that I would be leaving town for a few days tomorrow without it.  I was already resolved to the fact that I was going to take a binder of blank paper to hand-write any story ideas I wanted to work on.  I made up my mind that I would take another approach to doing what I would normally do on my laptop.  Because I wouldn't have it to use.

But I do!  I'm using it now.  My keyboard is completely restored and working magically.  The best part of getting it back (now or later, if that had happened) is the fact that it only cost me a total of $69.25 including tax.  That was incredible for me to even think I could have gotten it all done, from bringing it to them last Saturday and receiving it back this Saturday for that price. And that was also with them having to order the part.  I was pretty sure when the keyboard stopped working I was going to need to replace the laptop completely.  I was sure I was going to have to invest in a brand new one.  And that turned out not to be the case and it turned out I won't be going out-of-town without my laptop.  Because now I have mine back and yeah, yes, say it again.
Whoop, whoop!

Tums, please

I just finished reading two "fluff" books.  If you are not sure what those might be, I will explain.
I have been working my way through a very dark, gritty, detective, murder series of books.  (Yes.  I know.  I read a lot of books that are the furthest from what I might write but that is beside what I am talking about here).  This particular series has some extremely interesting characters that test and go beyond the limits you might expect in any other set of books.  It doesn't always prove to make these characters likeable but because they are "true" I keep going back to read more. 
Well, I read myself through this entire series of books except for the very latest - last one.  But since I wanted to take a short break from the dark, gritty, murder, I switched genre's and picked a couple of frivolous, silly, girly books.  These are the "fluff" books.  Plain, simple, sometimes funny books about nothing more than getting from Point A to Point B.
I do this often.  I switch back and forth, hopping around from this book to that.  And that is what I did.  The first silly, girly book was just enough sweetness and light and distraction.  Unfortunately, the second silly, girly book was murderous!  I knew from the beginning it was going to be tough going but I kept reading.  It was pure agony but I made myself read the entire book.  When I was finished I felt like I had gotten off a carnival ride after eating too much cotton candy, caramel-corn, hot dogs, and pretzels.  I wanted to puke.  While reading it, I kept trying to tell myself it was a good time but it wasn't.   
I know.  That was pretty strong.  It obviously couldn't have been that bad if it was published and all.  The author was probably writing for a younger more annoying, immature audience and I just happened to pick the wrong book at the wrong time and it's all my own fault.  I overindulged on frivolous.
Needless to say, I started that last, most recent book from that dark, gritty, detective, murder series.  I've sped through the first 50 pages and already two people have been killed, another injured, and secrets are being kept that might damage a relationship.  You would think that might upset me but no. I guess I only needed one girly book to prime me before I started up this last book in the series.  I should have known better than to stuff myself with the other.  I could have saved myself some heartburn.  My fault.

Friday, July 5, 2013

No negatives

I just came in from a short run.  I can think of a lot of negatives that I could point out but since I've already let those flash through my head I don't need to expound about them here.  What I will say is that I managed to go out and run.  Period. 
I had a hard time yesterday afternoon trying to figure out what day it is today.  It felt like Sunday and I would need to head back to work this morning.  Then I knew I was taking time off and I realized today is Friday and I don't have to go to work.  I don't have to go back to work until next Thursday.  Much, much needed vacation.  More than I realized in a long, long time.  Maybe the reason I have so many negatives about my runs lately.  Hey, wait.  Didn't I already put a period after that?
I'm taking it easy today.  Shower, more coffee, trip to the Post Office, and then pull those pieces I found on my flash drive.  I need to take a look at them and see if there is anything there I can use for a short story.  Or maybe use the idea from one of those to start a new one.  Maybe I should decide to spend four hours today doing something that has to do with writing.  Even it that includes reading a few more articles, making some notes, doing some research.  Then I can spend another four hours tomorrow building on what I've done today.  If I'm able to do even a portion of what I've just said, I will have managed to get it started. 

Thursday, July 4, 2013

What's to do

Happy July 4th!
Plans...what are the plans?  Well, I'm sort of at odds since I really don't have anything to do.   We will be heading to Sonny's house this afternoon to do a little celebrating but he has done everything.  He planned the menu, he bought the groceries, he is cooking.  I don't have to do anything.  I don't want to admit to this but right now, the way things have been so hectic, it's a relief.  Although, these are the type of things I do to relax and that I enjoy.  The problem with them is that they are still a lot of work.  So, I guess I'll have to learn to sit back and relax for this one.  I think I'm a little behind on the relaxing part, anyway.  This might be a good day to try to start.
I'm still clattering away on Jay's PC while I wait on my laptop.  I haven't been using his so much and, unfortunately,  I don't have much of a glimmer of hope that my laptop will be ready before we head out on Sunday.  So I will do without and maybe even find time to write the old fashion way with pen to actual paper.  It used to be the only way I could.  Besides, I will have today and tomorrow and Saturday to print some old pieces I found on my flash drive.  I can see what I have there and maybe turn one of those into something short and complete.  I need to stop talking about doing that and get started.  It's amazing the amount of time I can spend chattering about something without doing it (roll-the eyes here).  So enough.
Happy 4th!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Did I hear back about my laptop?  Yes. 
I am waiting on a part and so are the people that will fix my laptop for a mere $64.00.  That's it!  That's all it is going to take...or that is what they told me.  We just need to wait for the part to come in.  According to the text I received from them on Sunday afternoon it has been ordered.  Then I got another text from them yesterday saying they were waiting for the part.  I have to say I am impressed with their service.  At least the service of keeping me up-to-date on what is going on while I stumble around without my electronic device that I thought I was going to have to replace completely.  Now if only the part would make a speedy entrance into that said electronic device by arriving soon.  I have plans, you know.
I am stumbling through these few days at work to take a bit of a vacation.  I will work through the next two days and July 4th is a holiday.  I've attached a few vacation days after Thursday (the 4th).  So I be off starting Thursday and not go back to work until July 11th (which is another Thursday).  We plan to spend a couple of days at my personal paradise - leaving Sunday and back on Tuesday.  I'm looking forward to that for the first time in a couple of years.  I thoroughly enjoyed the last time we went with the entire family but this is the first time I just want to go.  It would be nice to have my laptop back but I don't know if that will happen yet and I will do without if it comes to that. 
So click, clack, click...this borrowed keyboard is not my own but soon enough I will have mine back.  I will be calm and patient because I have plans, you know.