Friday, May 11, 2012

The plan

My running shoes have lain moldering away.  I'm not even sure I remember what they look like.  I know I have been making plans to replace them and they are getting rather dirty but those are not the the reasons they have been sitting almost long forgotten.  I haven't had a run since Sunday.  Talk about neglect.  Talk about talking big and letting it all fall by the wayside.  I should have known that as soon as I laid out a plan to follow I would just as quickly not follow it.  I should have known.  This isn't about the shoes.
I'm trying to feel bad about missing runs this week.  That would be my usual pattern about now.  I am having passing thoughts about these missed runs and how they have collapsed everything I've done so far.  I'm trying to think that it has messed up the entire plan I had set up to this point and that it needs to be scrapped and nothing can be done about it again.  I seem to be trying, but no.  Not this time, of course not, it doesn't.  Maybe I'm just too tired to make a big deal out of anything right now.  Or maybe I'm not going to waste the energy to try to re-figure what already has been figured, caulk up the missed runs to missed runs, and take up where I should be.  I think that is what I had in mind.  It isn't about the plan or missing the plan or following it to perfection (even though that is the way I would prefer it to go).  Maybe it is about those shoes in the closet.  Pulling them on, lacing them up, scooting on down the street and pounding some pavement.  I need a plan for that?


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