You can see from Day 2 and Day 3 of this week I don't say too much. I don't even mention much about food. After 10 weeks of comments it can get a little thin. But Saturday (Day 4) after my 10K I wrote up in a few words...well, you know, that I ended up taking home 1st place in my age group. But the comment I made wasn't what surprised me. It was the amount of comments and 'likes' I received from the community of strangers that took the time to offer congratulations and to let me know not to make so little of it. Here is a sample:
"That's AWESOME! Congrats!!! What an achievement! I'm training for a 5k and reading this makes my day!"
"Phenomenal! You have represented all of us 56 year olds well!!"
"You go, girl! Congratulations! And I truly doubt you were the only 55 - 59 in the race."
Ummm, it kind of went on like that. It kind of made my head spin a bit and I had to sit back from the laptop for a few minutes to take it in. And then I had to include all of the 52 'likes' I received which were not from the same strangers that made comments. Whoa. And then I had to think of the personal congratulations I got at the race itself. Since I went alone I was walking back to my car and the man that won first in the 35-40 age group caught up to me and and gave me his congratulations. "Thanks." He asked how long I had been running and we went back and forth until he came to the group he was with. I went on to my car but turned back when one of the girls in the group yelled out to me..."Hey, I like your shoes!" They were the new ones I picked up at the sports store when I got my race packet. "Thanks!"
Yes. Thanks, thanks.
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