Thursday, May 17, 2012

Paper sorting

I was going through the random notes I had written myself and that accumulated on my desk.  Luckily, I've kept it fairly neat and not many have been allowed to amass and take over the small amount of space I have to work on.  No, there are not numerous piles of stacked books, spirals, and papers.  I would hate to disappoint but I don't have that nor could I handle working that way.  The largest paper on the far corner of my desk is the printed calendar where I have plotted out my scheduled training runs.  The rest are random notes of ideas or (yes) even more notes about past runs, pace times, calories burned, totals.  Sorry, those go into other logs and I will hand-write the stats before entering them somewhere else. 
It sure seems I have been spending a lot of time running, thinking about running, totalling my running.  It even occupies a good portion of my desk.  The other notes are more of the ideas.  Random.  Thoughts that will go through my head and I will write down.  Sometimes I actually remember what I was trying to capture but not always.  I will read something on a random note and not know what the heck I was trying to remember or the thought behind it.  It will just be a few sentences that I didn't leave myself enough clues to point me in the right direction.  I will hold onto those for a while in case I might remember and they end up on my desk until I discard them or they go into the top drawer of my desk.
I guess I need to plan some time to clean that out or to organize it a little better. 
Actually, if I was going to spend some time organizing (and that thought has been in my mind for a while) it should probably be to spend the time on the binders in the far right corner of my worktable behind me. 
The black one will need some time to go through since it has some very old stuff in it.  It won't lay flat with all the papers stuffed into it.  Now the nice white binder on the's my book.  The unfinished one that I can't seem to find the time or the right time or whatever excuse of the day I have to keep writing.  It's close by, not forgotten, within arms length but I have my back to it.  It might be time to have a little organization party.
It might be time to turn around and grab that white binder.


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