Saturday, November 5, 2016

Too quick

I sped through my Saturday.

I got a lot of things done the first few hours of my morning. Then it settled into a not so productive day. I say that as if nothing else was finished, like the laundry, ironing that I normally do on Sunday afternoons, and cleaning kitchens and making dinner. But for the most part the day, as I sit here watching the sun disappear, it feels like the day is over and I want it back. I want another day. But I'm greedy that way at times like these when it feels that no matter how much I manage to do, I want more. To do more, to have more time, to get around to those things that float through my mind about doing when there isn't time left in the day. But I have another day that comes with an additional hour tomorrow.

But still. Today sure went fast.


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