Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Taking the Small Steps

I've made the smallest steps possible for progress through this five day goal setting expedition. I haven't exactly been going at any of this with any type of force to making these goals early. I've probably put myself into a position that I will have to put some real muscle into getting them all accomplished in my five day time frame. I can see myself cramming on the last day in order to get the tasks done.

That isn't really the point of this whole experiment. The idea isn't to scoot along and then bombard at the end to save the finish. But I can't even say it has been a lost cause, either. I may not be hitting these goals as hard as I could, or should, or would, but the small steps count when they are going in the right direction. I've made the smallest amount of progress on these particular goals but I have made changes that effect the overall purpose of this week of doing differently.

They say to take the small steps. Crawl before you walk and walk before you run. Then they say to start over and try it again. Small steps don't seem so much when it's all your taking on a five day journey. The results won't always be exactly what you thought you were starting out to accomplish. They may be less than the actual you had in mind when you started.

The key is to keep taking the small steps the entire five days no matter the final results. I may not be able to check off every bullet point of goals I set up at the beginning of this week. It doesn't mean I'm not working toward the end results. They say change comes slowly and I have a couple more days to go. So far so good. It isn't going to change the world, even mine at this point, but it is making a difference and that's the point. Small steps can get you anywhere you want to go if you just start taking them.


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