Monday, May 2, 2016

In-between now and later

May 2nd.

It's early Monday morning and I'm ready to head out to work. I've flipped my manual calendars on my desk at home to reveal this new month of May getting started. I'm sure all my electronic devices have already flipped themselves over. In any case, it's all a new ball game now. The slate of last month is cleared. I started out yesterday with a good 5 mile run and plans are for at least a 3 miler this afternoon.

I have a lot of day in-between now and then. I know how things can change in a instant. I tried to hide behind the thought I needed some motivation yesterday to keep it all going. I don't know if I was looking for long term or just short but I realized it can only be found by doing the thing I think I need motivation to do. Nike's slogan sort of has it right. Just do it. Keep it up. Let's go and get it done.

I ate myself some cake yesterday along with the rest of the menu of Filet Mignon, Shrimp Scampi with homemade pasta and grilled asparagus.

Working some of this off might be considered motivation for today.
Just do it.


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