Thursday, September 17, 2015


If you stare at a blank page long enough it can get awkward. You can see the blinking curser ready at the far left hand side of the top of the page. You avert your eyes, take a sip of coffee, look at the clutter on the far side of your desk, and then glance back to that blinking curser. It's at the top of the page, left hand side, of a completely white document.

If there were two people sitting across from each other it would be that time in the conversation that lulled. You look away in the silence and your mind starts to wander. You're distracted by the things you see but can't catch hold of anything that is really passing through your mind. The thoughts are just drifting until you glance back and realize the silence is pulsing while you've been distracted. And it's a little awkward. So you check the clock for something to do.

Time's up.


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