Sunday, September 6, 2015

Day Two-Stayca

Day Two of Stay-Vacation is in progress.

Everyone is coming over this afternoon and I've managed to get the inside of the house fairly well cleaned up and ready. The backyard patio will take the smallest amount of time to reconfigure.I'm stumbling over the menu just slightly and will need to make some decisions on a few additional items. I've done the grocery shopping but artichokes fell off the list and somehow eggplant was purchased. I'm not sure I can work it into the menu today but these are the things I'll need to take care of before everyone starts to get here.

It would seem as if this is work and isn't the reason for a vacation is to relax? Well, first I enjoy this type of work and I am doing my share of relaxing, too. I finished that novel I started and have another waiting. I got my run done and this is really easier to organize than getting everyone situated away from home. There is the added bonus that I have everything I need right here and can sleep in my own bed at night. When you've gotten everything around you the way you like it, why pay to be somewhere else? Maybe I need to pick up a water feature?


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