I won't make the 60 miles in May. I took too many days off during the middle of the month. You can't add to the ticker if you don't get off your duff. I'm still going to make 50 miles since I have three days left. I'm not thinking it's a complete loss and hey, what is it they say? What doesn't kill you...no, no! Not that one. I don't much care for that one. I mean, I don't think I want to be that strong if I have to risk death to get there.
I was thinking more along the lines of goals. Set a goal and something or other if you don't reach them. There must be some cute saying about setting your goals high and something if you don't reach them to try harder? Don't sit around on your backside all the middle of the month and think you can pull it out of thin air by the deadline. What the heck did you set a goal for if you weren't planning on doing anything about it? I've got nothing. Except I got 50 miles last month and I will have 50 again this month. Should I have done the 60? Yes. Yes.
I guess if I hadn't set the goal at all, I would have lazed around the rest of the month instead of just the middle. Ah...here's something...
You will fail at a 100% of the goals you don't set. Mark Victor Hansen
I'm terrible at math, but even I know I didn't fail 100%.
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