Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Little bit

I got just about everything checked off as done on the list I made. It was the list of things I wanted/should do over the long weekend so it's pretty good that I am heading back to work with all those things accomplished. The weekend itself was really good if I was to make account for everything that happened.

I could go on and say, but I didn't get to do this or that. And that is just me always wanting that little bit more. If I could do all this, then I should have been able to get that little bit more done, or I could have spent that little bit of extra time doing that little bit more of that. It's a way of always seeming to find the spaces that are lacking instead of looking at all the things that actually went on during the same amount of time. You would think I'd have cut that thinking out already. Be realistic...look at that list. Is it really only a few things? and how many out the entire list got done? and you want to only see the ones that weren't finished completely? 

The part that wasn't completely finished is only a little bit of the entire list. And it was a fairly large list. It was a really great weekend.


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