It feels like the beginning of the week even though it's already Tuesday. Am I getting a do-over?
It's true. Every day is the possibility of doing it again. Whatever we did - good, wrong, fail, succeed - we get a new day to try it all again. We can drown ourselves in the muck of all the things that could have been done better or done at all. We can think about the ways that should not have been attempted in the way they were attempted. It can be a day-to-day struggle to keep our heads above water to get through it all. But it all comes down to a new day is a new day. It's a do-over every day. Here and now is the time to try it again without the muck because we already know what that feels like. We are a day ahead because we already know what the wrong and fails feel like and can avoid them today. Even if it's only a slight verge away from what we know to avoid. Even if it's a small step in the other direction.
It's do-over Tuesday. And in case, we don't get it right. We can have another one tomorrow.
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