Plans...for the weekend? Do I have any yet? Should I think about making some? It's not as if I don't have plenty to do right here at home. It's where I would rather be at times so does it make sense to organize that time? It's not so much organizing as doing. There are always things I don't even need to add to any organizational list to get them done. They are in the forefront no matter what might come along. So my mind is skimming over things I might want to pack into my weekend.
I wonder if I should take myself out to Runners Haven tomorrow morning for my run. The change of scenery would be a good thing and I've always enjoyed hitting that long road. I checked the calendar and it isn't the first Saturday of the month, so it should be devoid of the market booth atmosphere they create on that day. The road won't be clogged with booths and merchants setting up their wares to sell that day. It's an option I can make my mind up about later and if I don't run there I can always make my way along my usual path.
I'll spend some time editing up more of my story. I've got some good ideas to clean it up but it doesn't do any good to leave them banging around in my head. It isn't until I sit down and do the work on the actual story that it get's written. Then if I actually get to working on that I might find the opportunity to clean up and back up all my documents. Or would that just be a distraction so I don't actually write? Hmmm...clever tactic.
I'll think about the possibilities a little more. The really great part about the weekend is nothing is set in stone. I can change it all up at the very last minute or the minute before the last minute. Sometimes I can decide there isn't anything to change and sometimes everything changes. Plans are great that way. Kind of like making up your mind. Give me a minute and I'll change it.
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