It looks like I signed up for a race on July 4th.
I got a text from Dante's girlfriend asking me if I wanted to run a 4-miler on the 4th. I said sure and signed up on-line. She said she would pick me up the morning of the race and we could go together. It all sounds pretty good. I haven't bothered with any any official races since March and since I am trying to do my own training I haven't exactly been searching out social runs. I don't expect this to be much of a social run since it's sponsored by the RRs. The RRs are an official group of Road Runners. This isn't a charity event with everybody joining in to help a cause. These people are the real deal. Yikes.
I am a little nervous about it. My expectations run forever too high when I sign up for official races and I have to keep reminding myself it's just a run like all my others. Except it isn't and I think I have to show some kind of athletic performance especially since these RRs are disciplined runners. Wow. So much pressure. I have to keep in mind that I usually have fun when I do these races. I have to remember my original New Years thought about 'having nothing to prove to anybody.' It's four miles. With a crowd of others. I enjoy this kind of thing.
I signed up.
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