I feel so foolish. I don’t even know how to start or if I want to. I guess I can only just go ahead and say it. I went out and hurt myself.
Oh no, it really isn’t anything serious. It is an embarrassment is what it is. And a total frustration because of where I am with my running and now…
I sprained my ankle. There – there it is. Both my ankle and my pride are more than sorely bruised. I think the doctor said I had to stay off it for 5 to 6 weeks. I think the doctor said I need to take it easy and put it up as much as possible and some other stuff I didn't even hear once he started talking weeks. How could I do this to myself now? I was clipping right along. I was getting so many more miles in than I ever thought possible! Why this?!
I was finished with my run yesterday afternoon at the gym. I was feeling pretty good and ambling on my way to the locker room to fetch my gym bag to leave. Somehow – I don’t know how - I managed to miss a middle step leading from one area of the gym to the other when my right ankle curled under me and gave way. I went down with all my weight on top of it in a most awkward and piercingly painful way. There were only three steps! How did I miss one! The good thing was I didn't have far to fall but I fell. I fell on top of my turned ankle! I just crumpled myself into a small heap there on the floor.
Then people hurried over and starting hovering over me. I wanted to get up but it wasn’t going exactly the way I would have liked. The way I would have liked was that my face would have turned scarlet (which it did anyway) and I would have gotten up and shrugged and walked away. I had to be helped to my feet with someone on each side of me! They hobbled me over into an office where I propped my leg up and was given an ice pack. I sat there for a while thinking all the things I didn't want to think about. How utterly ridiculous! Those steps have been there forever. How did I miss one out of three steps? I was doing so well with my running!
They let me sit for a while as I realized I needed to call someone to get me. I drive a stick shift and the gym associates didn’t give me the impression they were going to let me out of there on my own. I was able to call a friend to get me and it wasn’t long before she showed up and insisted on the doctor. I agreed because I thought it might prove to be nothing and the doctor would say it would be fine in a few days. No!
Now I have a bum ankle and will miss my runs and need to use crutches. I took today off from work but I still need to retrieve my car and the swelling hasn't quite gone down all the way yet...Can you believe this!?!
Okay, enough of this nonsense. Not a thing I just said happened to me. None of it...well maybe the part that I was feeling pretty good after my run. The whole rest of it is fiction. It is April 1st, isn’t it? aka April Fools day?
I feel so foolish.
Do you?
Okay, enough of even more nonsense. I didn't just write this. I wrote and posted this right here on this site on April 1st 2010. You can go back to my archive for the first post in April that year and it will be there. Nothing original, except when I wrote it then. The only thing the same now is I went out to run today (outside - not at the gym) and it's April Fools Day. I don't feel so very foolish. Do you?
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